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Profile for Jonas Chevalier 🦙 :Twitter_Verified_Badge:. Username @zimbatm, Role: admin


I like to build little tools: direnv, treefmt, ...

Bringing open source to companies with Numtide.

Joined on Jul, 2023. 111 posts. Followed by 244. Following 268.

Recent posts

Jonas Chevalier 🦙 :Twitter_Verified_Badge: . @zimbatm,

Open-source project should always put contributors first. Those are the people that inject life into the project.

If you find yourself in endless conversations, divided into camps, emotionally exchausted and having done nothing rewarding, your project has been taken over by politicians. Vampires that suck the life out of the project.

The only way out is to get back to coding. Find people like you and follow your heart. Ignore the noise and the leeches will eventually fall off.

Open thread
Jonas Chevalier 🦙 :Twitter_Verified_Badge: . @zimbatm,

direnv v2.34.0 is out! Among minor fixes, we also have a couple of features:

* feat: added Murex shell support (#1242)
* feat: added systemd shell for export (#1126)
* feat: allow to disable warn timeouts (#1209)
* feat: hide env diff (#1223, #1234)

The last one fixes something a lot of users were reporting. They wanted to hide the `direnv: export <big list of envs>` line. You can now set `hide_env_diff = true` in your direnv.toml config.

Open thread